NOAC: a web app on new oral anticoagulants

As a sequel to this blog post I have been experimenting with jQuery Mobile, which is a framework for building web apps that run on a wide variery of devices (because they are actually just websites optimized for a small screen layout). The content comes from this article on new oral anticoagulants by Oudeman et al (2013) in the Dutch journal for Neurology and Neurosurgery. In particular Figure 2 is useful to implement a more interactive approach.

So far I have only been working on the dagibatran-part of the web app. You can evaluate the result by going to (temporary link) and choosing dagibatran.

Here is a screenshot from one part of the decision tree… Find out more on the mobile site itself. And remember, so far it is just beta testing… this web app is not ready for clinical use yet!


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