Posts Tagged ‘cdss’

NeuroMind 3: interactive TLICS implemented

I just implemented the interactive version of the TLICS score for thoraco-lumbar spine injury in the upcoming version of NeuroMind 3. It is much like the SLIC score, but with slightly different calculations. Here are some more images:

NeuroMind 3: interactive SLIC score implemented

SLIC is an evidence-based decision supporting system on the (surgical) treatment of subaxial cervical spine injury. It is based on the SLIC scale described by Vaccaro et al(Spine, 2007). It is available as a separate app, but now I also implemented it in NeuroMind 3 for iOS. More interactive decision support is to come! Gallery

NeuroMind 3: Spetzler Ponce classification added

While working on NeuroMind 3 I had to experiment a little with how to implement interactive decision support. The ability to work with multiple storyboards in XCode is a major advantage that I got to know recently. Today I gave it a try and added the Spetzler Ponce classification. Everything needs to be re-programmed because…Continue Reading…

Decision support: PHASES score

I just created a new decision support item for NeuroMind, the first using the new webbased technology that I described before.  It is based on a recent article in The Lancet Neurology by Greving et al. on the 5-year rupture risk of cerebral aneurysms. It uses the PHASES score for risk estimation, which is an…Continue Reading…

NOAC: a web app on new oral anticoagulants

As a sequel to this blog post I have been experimenting with jQuery Mobile, which is a framework for building web apps that run on a wide variery of devices (because they are actually just websites optimized for a small screen layout). The content comes from this article on new oral anticoagulants by Oudeman et al…Continue Reading…

Testing jQuery Mobile and Cloud9 IDE

I have been playing around with jQuery Mobile for a web app on new anticoagulant drugs, in particular on how to deal with them around surgery (acute and elective settings). It is a different setting for me, and I am not yet sure whether I like it. But there are definitely some advantages, and for…Continue Reading…

Decision support: ETV success score