Posts Tagged ‘ios’

NeuroMind 1.7 update & bug fix

I just uploaded NeuroMind version 1.7 for iPhone to the App Store. Besides 10 new scores (now 71 in total) it contains a bug fix many of you will have experienced. If you upgrade an existing installation of NeuroMind on iOS, the database does not get updated. However, if you do a new install, you…Continue Reading…

NeuroMind successfully compiled with iOS SDK 4.2

Today I installed Apple’s XCode SDK 4.2 for iOS, and tested compiling the new NeuroMind version. It worked perfectly! Not only can I ensure the latest technology in the app this way, it also removed a bug in the upcoming iPad app (running on iOS 4.2). The minimum iPhone requirement will be OS 3.1 and…Continue Reading…