MEWS tool added
I just added the MEWS tool (Modified Early Warning Score) to help you screen critically ill (COVID19) patients. Thanks to Carla Reizinho from the Hospital Egas Moniz (Lisbon, Portugal) for the suggestion! Good luck & stay safe.
I just added the MEWS tool (Modified Early Warning Score) to help you screen critically ill (COVID19) patients. Thanks to Carla Reizinho from the Hospital Egas Moniz (Lisbon, Portugal) for the suggestion! Good luck & stay safe.
Dear all, Given the worldwide pandemic and disastrous effects of the corona-virus (SARS-CoV2 / COVID-19 disease), I would like to offer the opportunity for any country to have interactive decision support for free to combat the current crisis. Interactive guidelines are calculators can be implemented rapidly if good flow charts or score tables are available…Continue Reading…