Posts Under ‘Technology’ Category

The Top Ten Internet-Smart Doctors in the World 2013

I am honored to inform you that I have been chosen again for the 2013 edition of “The Top Ten Internet-Smart Doctors in the World 2013” on Last year I also was part of that list and I am proud to be part of it again!

Publishing your thesis as eBook – do it yourself!

I recently finished my PhD thesis and published it as eBook. Actually it is not that difficult to do that yourself, and personally I prefer digital formats more and more. So let me help you getting started. Note that I work on Mac OS X, and these instructions are based on software that does not…Continue Reading…

NOAC: a web app on new oral anticoagulants

As a sequel to this blog post I have been experimenting with jQuery Mobile, which is a framework for building web apps that run on a wide variery of devices (because they are actually just websites optimized for a small screen layout). The content comes from this article on new oral anticoagulants by Oudeman et al…Continue Reading…

Testing jQuery Mobile and Cloud9 IDE

I have been playing around with jQuery Mobile for a web app on new anticoagulant drugs, in particular on how to deal with them around surgery (acute and elective settings). It is a different setting for me, and I am not yet sure whether I like it. But there are definitely some advantages, and for…Continue Reading…

OrthoRef updated

Since the introduction of iOS7 all apps that have not been updated immediately look “old”. To me there was no doubt that NeuroMind needed to be updated, but also OrthoRef should receive that fresh look. Today I uploaded the 2.3 version for OrthoRef, which contains support for the iPhone 5 screen and support for iOS7….Continue Reading…

Decision support: ETV success score