Posts Tagged ‘oncology’

NeuroMind 3: Spine Instability Neoplastic Score decision support

As a last content addition before submitting NeuroMind 3 to the App Store, I added the Spine Instability Neoplastic Score (SINS) as interactive decision support: This will also be available as an In App Purchase for $0.99. The only thing left before releasing NeuroMind 3 is to improve the styling a little…. Stay tuned! More images from SINS…Continue Reading…

Decision support: Spinal instability neoplastic score

“The Spine Instability Neoplastic Score is a comprehensive classification system with content validity that can guide clinicians in identifying when patients with neoplastic disease of the spine may benefit from surgical consultation. It can also aid surgeons in assessing the key components of spinal instability due to neoplasia and may become a prognostic tool for surgical decision-making when put in context with other key…Continue Reading…