in the news…
It is very nice to receive all positive reactions on my iPhone efforts. It’s even more flattering when people want to interview you, or post about your software on their blog. Here is what happened in the last few weeks.
Interview with me on iPhone development and a little Health IT in general. The interview was done by Felasfa Wodajo, MD (@OrthoOnc on Twitter).
Posted about Safe Surgery app in their category “New and Noteworthy iPhone Medical apps”. is well known place for medical blogs… and in this item Iltifat Husain, Yousif Alkadhi, MD, and Satish Misra blogged about 10 free iPhone medical apps that every doctor can use. NeuroMind is mentioned at place 7… rather proud on that!
Talking about proud… NeuroMind has been downloaded more than 12,500 times in the first month after release! :-D
And SLIC is doing fine as well: the target audience is much more specific, leading to 1200 downloads in the first month. But: the manuscript for publication in a scientific journal is finished, and I hope to submit next week (after final approval of co-authors).
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