SLIC 2: almost ready

The new version of SLIC is almost ready! I made up my mind on the issues I described in my previous post

Regarding the disclaimer: I added it to the “Surgery” menu in what I consider to be the least intrusive way of letting you know all you need to know. Take a look:

SLIC 2 disclaimer

The good part is that now iOS supports multitasking, which keeps apps in memory after you “close” them by clicking the home button. If you re-open this app when it is still open in memory you won’t see the disclaimer again. If you did not use it for a longer time, you will see it again because then it will be reloaded on the iOS device.

Regarding the “artwork” (read: splash screen), here is what I created for the iPhone 3G(S), so in standard resolution (320 x 480):

SLIC 2 splash screen

The iPhone 4(S) uses a higher resolution for the retina display, and of course the iPad has a different resolution than the iPhone. These splash screens have been created too, as well as the new icon image (in the same style as the splash screens).

Now the iOS “to do” list for this app is just creating the other splash screens, and then the standard test-package-upload process. I think the upgrade should be available in the App Store by the end of next week.

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